The PC Support Group

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Ian Threlfall
"Having looked at several IT franchises, the business opportunity that The PC Support Group offered impressed me the most. The attention to detail, the effort they had obviously put in, and the extensive ongoing support encouraged me and filled me with confidence from the first meeting. Their informal, friendly and enthusiastic, yet professional approach put me at ease immediately and certainly rubs off! Since joining I have been made to feel very much part of the business and it is clear that their commitment to provide help and support is exactly as promised. It’s early days for me, but the signs are very encouraging that this will be a great success.”
Phil & Pam Case
“We were just reflecting on how things have taken off here. To be honest, we didn’t expect to get many customers for a couple of months. As it is we’re incredibly busy and we haven’t put half of the marketing strategies into action yet! We are DELIGHTED and we need to say a very big thank you for all your invaluable support – you don’t know how much it’s appreciated. You guys have been FANTASTIC! The future’s so bright we're wearing shades!”

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