"The Mexican Franchise Association (AMF) and Grupo MFV invite you to attend the 8th Annual Franchise Expo Guadalajara. The event will be held in June 2013 at Expo Guadalajara. As always, Grupo MFV delivers only world class events and excellence. Grupo MFV, with its deep experience in organizing events in conjunction the AMF, has produced the International Franchise Exhibition in Mexico City for nearly 20 years.
During the two day event, visitors who attend the Expo have the opportunity to meet with well known franchise concepts and brands names recognized worldwide. These franchisors are seeking local investors, foreign investors, and in some cases, master licensees. During Franchise Expo Guadalajara, candidates can attend seminars sponsored by AMF, where they will find current and past AMF directors, members and industry experts on hand to answer questions and provide advice.
Guadalajara, a prestigious city, has been chosen to host one of the most important events for investors seeking to purchase franchise systems. The State of Jalisco is well known for its economic growth in recent years and is also one of the most developed in terms of cultural, trade and economic level in the country. This has attracted new exhibitors every year showcasing their concepts at the Expo. Steady growth has the 2013 Guadalajara Expo on track to be the largest yet."
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